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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Album 55 Cover?

Brock just released this picture on the AIO Facebook Page, and I saw it on AIO Wiki. But I can't really tell what anything in it is because it's so small!

I was able to zoom in with a program on my computer, but I couldn't post the picture that way, so you'll have to try to do that yourself. I think the piece of paper by Mr. Hoobler's arm is the cover for Album 55, but I can't figure out what's on his computer!

Please tell me what you think!

P.S. I'm having surgery today at 11:00 AM (EST), so if you think of me, please pray!


  1. That's pretty funny! I do zooming like that, too! :D I wonder what it could be...

    And I will definitely say a prayer for you! :)

  2. That's the cover for 34 if I'm seeing it right, what are you having surgery on?

  3. Yeah I agree with Reddo. It looks like the new cover art for 34 that is on the piece of paper.

  4. @ Jay: Thank you for praying!

    @ Reddo: I had surgery on my palate/uvula/nasal cavity area. I'm still a little sore, and my nasal area is going to be swollen and stuffed up for up to three months, but I'm doing well. Thanks for asking!

    @ FJ (and Reddo): Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I was just thinking that since Brock said he was posting something about Album 55, it might be a draft for the cover.

  5. I didn't see this until today, but I prayed that you will have a quick recovery.

  6. Thanks, Hannah.

    Actually my recovery is supposed to be up to three months long. :) My nasal cavity is stuffed up and swollen enough that I can't breathe through it, nor can I smell anything, and therefore, neither can I taste anything. Plus it's really hard to swallow because my throat is sore too, so I'm not feeling all that great.

    But thank you very much for praying! I appreciate it a lot!

  7. I think its uncle Archie, Mathew, Emily, and Whit

  8. I just realized that the cover of album:34 is because of I slap floor, and in that episode Bart Rathbone says to whit "I hear you're going off THE DEEP END". Tricky Brock, real tricky.
