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Thursday, June 3, 2010

No News is Bad News

Sorry I haven't been posting very often. It's just that [1. There is no new, exciting Odyssey news, nor has there been for the last week. (Brock seems to have disappeared.) and [2. I have been hard at work getting ready for an Open House that my parents are giving at my house this Saturday. We are trying to sell our house, and this is our first Open House in years, so I've been hard at work washing windows, mowing the lawn, washing floors, vacuuming, you name it.

There is a bit of Odyssey news in that the votes in the Whitty awards have been added up, and you now have a chance to vote for the finalists in the Avery awards. You can do this at the Official site (where there is also a new podcast), AIO Wiki, and The Odyssey Scooop. Also, this time around, you can vote for Best Sound, Best Script, and Best Overall Episode.

This is Christian A. saying, "I'm bored, bored, BORED!!"

P.S. If you haven't yet done it, wish Marvin a happy birthday over at the AIO Fan's Life as he turns thirteen today.

1 comment:

  1. We're still on the home improvement side of fixing up our house. I hope I get to paint...
